Kastamonu Ilgaz Dağı Milli Parkı’na Gelen Turistlerin Coğrafi İşaretli Ürün Algısı (Geographical Indication Product Perception of Tourists Arriving in Kastamonu Ilgaz Mountain National Park)
Gastronomy, Geographical indications, Geographical indication product, KastamonuAbstract
The geographical indicators that have an essential role in demanding by increasing interest in regional values, provide the protection of these products and transfer to future generations; thus are associated with regional development and tourism. The aim of this study is to present the relationship between geographical indicators and tourism. Furthermore, it aims to provide information about Kastamonu province’s geographically indicated products and measure the effects of the geographical indication on Kastamonu’s tourism promotion. A mixed methodology based on qualitative and quantitative methods are used for the purposes of this study. In order to investigate the relationship between geographical indicators and tourism, a survey was conducted on tourists who visited Kastamonu to reveal their thoughts about the geographical indicators of the region and also interviews were held with the stakeholders. When the results of the survey and the opinions of the stakeholders are examined, it is revealed that the geographical indicators contribute to the regional economy, increase the tourism potential of the region and can be used as a promotion tool for the region.
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