How Narrative Analysis is Useful in Questioning How The Strategicity of a Strategy Comes From? A Strategy-As-Practice Perspective
Strategy-as-practice, Micro strategy, Narrative analysis, Strategizing, Food and beverageAbstract
Strategy-as-practices offers a novel understanding for micro strategy research, providing a novel look at how the everyday, mundane human activities in wider society matter for the strategizing of firm activities. By using the case of Starbucks’ failure in Australia, this study suggests a novel method for understanding how the analytic tool of narrative might help us comprehend the structuring of strategy-as-practice. For this, first, we introduce the concept of “outcome-driven narratives of practice” as a relevant and reliable unit of analysis for the strategy-as-practice approach. The findings exemplify that using narratives as an analysis technique rather than just a tool for strategizing within organizations may offer more insights for the field. Narrative as a research technique give us a chance to analyze how strategy-as-practice works in real-life at the intersection of organization-industry-community practices at the micro-meso-macro outcome levels. We propose that, using the introduced technique, organizational practitiners may fictionalize their activities as to become strategies for their competitiveness.
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