Yerel Yemek Tüketim Motivasyonları ile Tavsiye Davranışı Arasındaki İlişki: Mersin Örneği (The Relationship Between Local Food Consumption Motivations and Recommendation Behavior: Mersin Example)
Local food motivations, Advice behaviour, Consumer motivation, GastronomyAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between local food consumers' motivation for local food and their recommendation behaviour. In addition to demographic questions, a questionnaire consisting of questions including the local food motivation scale and the recommendation behaviour scale, previously used in the literature, was used in the study. Approval letter was received from Mersin University Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committee for the ethical compliance of the study. Subsequently, the data for the research were collected from customers who ordered takeout services from local food service establishments in Mersin, or made use of the take-away service. According to the results of the analysis performed on 392 data, it was determined that the dimensions of local food motivation consisted of excitement seeking, cultural experience, health expectation and emotional appeal. It has been observed that the dimensions of the local food motivation of the participants differ only in one dimension according to their age and gender, but differed in all dimensions according to their income levels. There was also a positive and strong correlation between participants' local food motivation dimensions and recommendation behaviors. In line with these results, practitioners aiming to increase customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and word-of-mouth positive advertising are advised not to ignore this situation in their planning and programming. On the other hand, researchers were recommended to conduct studies on the subject in different regions and / or for foreigners, thus contributing to the comparison and generalization of the results.
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