Unutulmaya Yüz Tutmuş Yöresel Yiyeceklerin Gün Yüzüne Çıkarılması: Bayburt İli Ev Kadınları Üzerine Bir Araştırma (Find Out of Local Foods That Fail to be Forgotten: A Research on House Women in Bayburt Province)
Local foods, House wifes, BayburtAbstract
Culinary culture is one of the most important legacies of a destination or a country. The change in consumption habits and expectations has recently started to increase the importance given to the kitchen. In this direction, the interest in local food has started to increase gradually and it has emerged as an important factor for people to visit a destination. Having a rich accumulation of natural beauties and cultural attractions, Bayburt has a rich culture in terms of local foods. Having geographically indicated food can also be considered as an indicator of this. In this respect, it is important to reveal and ensure the sustainability of local foods that are about to be forgotten. With this study, it is aimed to reveal the forgotten foods specific to Bayburt cuisine. In order to achieve this goal, firstly a literature review was made and a field study was carried out based on the obtained data. Semi-structured interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used as the data collection method. Within the scope of the research, interviews were conducted with 10 housewives in Bayburt. According to the findings, 70% of the housewives interviewed think that local foods are forgotten. In addition, it is thought that young people do not seem willing to learn local foods.
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