Bolu’da Düzenlenen Yayla Şenliklerinde Yapılan Yemekler ve Değişimler (Meals and Changes at the Highland Festivals in Bolu)


  • Esra KANOĞLU



Bolu, Highland, Highland festival, Food, Highland Culture


The highland tradition, which is widely maintained with its differences in many regions in our country, continues to exist in Turkish culture as an extension of the nomadic lifestyle from Central Asia. The highland tradition, which is continued in parallel with the geographical conditions of the regions, climate and cultural characteristics and traditions from the past, forms an important part of our culture. Highland festivities, which are formed in accordance with the tradition of highlanding, also come across as a concrete reflection of the highland culture with meals, entertainments and various shows made during the festivities. Bolu province is one of the provinces where highland culture and highland festivities continue in the Black Sea Region. The aim of this study on highland festivities held in Bolu province is to learn in depth about the highland festivities organized, to examine the food made in these festivities and its change from past to present. Another goal is to reveal the reasons why meals are selected, the way they are served and the changes in the way they are served. For the purposes of the research, analyses were carried out using the descriptive analysis method from qualitative research methods. In 2021, the study data were collected by interviewing 12 participants aged 18 and over in Bolu province. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the relevant qualitative data analysis program. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the festivities were organized in order to ensure unity, unity and consolidation in the society. It has been determined that the dishes made at the festivities are selected from dishes that are easy to make, such as rice and meat, and that will make it possible for more people to eat. It was determined that the meat used in these dishes was generally preferred by the meat of animals slaughtered for offerings. When the way the meals made at the festivities are served, they are eaten in groups on the past; today, it has been determined that it is served in the form of tabldots


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How to Cite

BAYLAN KALAYCI, D., & KANOĞLU, E. (2023). Bolu’da Düzenlenen Yayla Şenliklerinde Yapılan Yemekler ve Değişimler (Meals and Changes at the Highland Festivals in Bolu). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(Special Issue 5), 427–441.