Türkiye Gastronomi Festivalleri ve Haritalandırılması (Gastronomy Festivals and Their Maps of Turkey)


  • Fatih EKERİM




Gastronomy, Festivals, Festival map


Gastronomic festivals are important tools for the marketing, promotion and sustainability of local food and provide an environment for tourists to experience local food. Regional diversity in Turkey, geographic richness and owned gastronomy memory with numerous gastronomic festival is held every year. Arranged festivals are spread over Turkey in general. The aim of this study was to determine the gastronomic festivals in Turkey and gastronomy festival is to create a map. In this context, examining in-depth study of secondary data sources and gastronomy festivals held in Turkey as a result of interviews with local authorities it has been identified. Turkey held across the incidence, duration and 367 detected by the awareness gastronomy festival was examined in 7 tables and mapped with Geographic Information System.


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How to Cite

EKERİM, F., & TANRISEVER, C. (2023). Türkiye Gastronomi Festivalleri ve Haritalandırılması (Gastronomy Festivals and Their Maps of Turkey). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(3), 2277–2297. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2020.660