Farklı Yöntemlerle Kızartılan Patlıcanların Yağ Çekme Oranları ve Bu Patlıcanlarla Yapılan Patlıcan Musakkanın Tüketiciler Tarafından Beğenilme Durumu (Oil Absorption Rates of Eggplants Fried with Different Methods and Status of Being Liked of this is Eggplant Moussaka Made with Eggplants by Consumers)


  • Mehmet Akif ŞEN




Eggplant, Eggplant mousaka, Oil, Fry


The different cooking methods used in the kitchen play an important role in the emergence of different features in foods and whether the food is liked by the consumer. Eggplants must be fried beforehand in order to make the eggplant moussaka dish, which is an important product of Turkish cuisine The cooking methods used for this frying process are frying in the deep oil, soaking in salt water and frying in the deep oil,  frying in the deep oil with flour and  frying in the oven by spraying oil. In this study, frying the eggplants with the specified cooking methods was carried out, the amount of oil they absorbed as a result of frying was calculated and the liking of the eggplant moussaka dishes cooked with the eggplants obtained from this frying process was measured by sensory test. As a result of our study, the minimum oil with 3.07 % was obtained from the eggplants cooked in the oven by spraying it oil, and the highest oil with 18.12 % was obtained from the eggplants that were deep fried with flour. On the other hand, the most popular eggplant moussaka dish is the version obtained by using deep-fried eggplants after soaking in a 4.2 % saline solution.


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How to Cite

ŞEN, M. A. (2023). Farklı Yöntemlerle Kızartılan Patlıcanların Yağ Çekme Oranları ve Bu Patlıcanlarla Yapılan Patlıcan Musakkanın Tüketiciler Tarafından Beğenilme Durumu (Oil Absorption Rates of Eggplants Fried with Different Methods and Status of Being Liked of this is Eggplant Moussaka Made with Eggplants by Consumers). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(4), 2588–2602. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2020.728