Turizm İşletmelerinde Sorumluluk Sigortası Seçimi Kriterlerinin Belirlenmesi (Determining Liability Insurance Selection Criterıa in Tourism Enterprises)


  • Davut KARAMAN
  • Ömer Emre ARSLAN




Liability insurance, Criteria research, Managerial decision making, Customer’s preferences, Tourism


Concepts of risk and uncertainty have always existed in human history, and the existence of these factors has been obstructive for individuals to make decisions. People needed to take various measures to protect themselves against risks. “Insurance” is the most important concept of these measures. In the tourism sector -prioritizes the effort of meeting expectations of the guests at the highest level- the hotel liability insurances which are offered for safeguarding risks that are not foreseen or undesirable, exist to overcome the cases -that the hotel employees or managers are faultless but responsible- with the minimum loss. As a result of literature review, since it was observed that the academy and the sector did not examine the criteria used in choosing this insurance, it was tried to reveal the guiding selection criteria. With the reviews made in the insurance sector, it has been examined how the insurance companies form the scope of the hotel liability insurances and it has been tried to reveal which of these scopes have more importance for the hotel managers. As a result of the interviews with the decision makers of the hotels who will decide on the purchase of insurance after the coverage of the insurance, the criteria such as “communication and accessibility with the insurance company, the scope of damage against the risks faced by the guests (customer), the price, the scope of other liability insurance, the references of the insurance company, the scope of damage against theft, the scope of damage against the risks faced by the employees, the scope of damage caused by natural conditions” were determined. The importance of the criteria was presented with a survey application.



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How to Cite

KARAMAN, D., ARSLAN, Ömer E., & YUMURTACI AYDOĞMUŞ, H. (2023). Turizm İşletmelerinde Sorumluluk Sigortası Seçimi Kriterlerinin Belirlenmesi (Determining Liability Insurance Selection Criterıa in Tourism Enterprises). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(Special Issue 4), 490–504. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2020.700