An Investigation to Determine of the Tourism Students’ Epistemological Beliefs in Turkey
Epistemological beliefs, Tourism education, TurkeyAbstract
The main purpose of this research is to determine epistemological belief level and whether the epistemological beliefs differences according to gender, education department, class level and graduated high school type variable of the students receiving education in tourism faculty in Turkey. General survey model were used in this study and the population of the the research comprise 426 students who educated in tourism faculty in a state university in Turkey academic year of the 2017-2018 and 218 usable responses from students has been obtained. In order to get the required data, “Personal Information Form” and “Epistemological Belief Questionnaire” were used. “Epistemological Belief Questionnaire” (EBQ), developed by Schommer (1990) and adopted intoTurkish culture by Deryakulu and Büyüköztürk (2002). In this study, students who study tourism at a state university have 116,4174 total score from Epistemological Belief Questionairre. This score shows that epistemological belief levels of students are underdeveloped. At the end of research, the following hypothesis: “there are significant differences between total epistemological beliefs and gender variable, education department variable, class level variable and graduated high school type variable of participants” have been refused.
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