Turistlerin Hediyelik Eşya Tercihleri ve Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktörler: Pamukkale Örneği (Souvenir Preferences and the Factors Effecting Preferences of Tourists: Example of Pamukkale)
Souvenir, Local development, Tourist shoppingAbstract
It is possible to talk about many products ranging from hand-made products to high-tech products for the purchase of souvenirs, which have an important place in tourism expenditures. Due to this variety of production methods, souvenir production is one of the important areas that local people can use to benefit from tourism revenues. In this study, the souvenir preferences of local and foreign tourists who visiting Pamukkale region were investigated and aimed to determine especially frequencies and differences of the products preferred by local and foreign visitors. In this way, it is aimed to make a contribution to fill the gap in this field by taking the subject of souvenir preferences, which is not emphasized in our country. In addition, it is hoped that local administrators and local people will be informed about the preferences of the tourists and they will work in this direction.
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