Fast Food Kültürüne Yöresel Bir Dokunuş: İskenderun Döneri Tercihine Etki Eden Faktörler (A Regional Touch to Fast Food Culture: Factors Affecting the Preference of İskenderun Döner)
İskenderun döner, Hatay, Gastronomy, Creative cityAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to determine the consumer characteristics of Iskenderun döner and factors affecting the consumers ' Iskenderun Döner preferences, which are becoming increasingly popular and offered to consumers in many different places in Turkey and abroad. The questionnaire developed in order to reach the purpose of the research was applied to the İskenderun döner consumers in Iskenderun district of Hatay and 961 consumers ' data were reached. In order to determine the factors affecting the döner preferences of the consumers, a descriptive factor analysis was carried out and 8 factors were obtained, including “staff behaviour”, “restaurant features”, “taste”, “social environment”, “serving size”, “regional characteristics”, “accessibility” and “healthy food”. Independent sample t test, Anova and multiple comparison tests were performed in order to determine whether the Iskenderun döner preference reasons differ according to the demographic characteristics of the consumers. As a result of the analyses, it was found that the reasons for the Iskenderun döner preference differ statistically in terms of gender, age, income level, occupation, educational level, number of individuals in the family and the chain restaurant preference variables.
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