A Research on the Woman's Role and Innovative Approach in the Kitchen in Muğla Province


  • Hulusi DOĞAN
  • Volkan AKTAN


Culinary, Women, Innovative approach


The main purpose of this study is to determine how innovative and creative approach women have in the kitchen. In addition, perceptions of women towards their roles and responsibilities and their expectations from men’s support in the kitchen are being studied. In the study, it was investigated whether being a housewife or worker, single or married, and having children have effect on women's role and responsibility in the kitchen. Similarly, whether or not having children or being employed increases the likelihood of women to expect support from men in the kitchen. It also examines the extent to which variables such as marital status, child owner-ship, education level, housewife or employee influence women's innovation and creativity initiatives in the kitchen. For this purpose, a survey study was conducted for women living in the Menteşe, a district of Muğla province. A total of 367 questionnaires were taken into con-sideration. Analysis of the questionnaire data (t-test and Anova) showed that women's thoughts and attitudes towards the research variables differed according to demographic vari-ables such as education level, marital status, income level, location, and whether they had children. Single women, when compared to married, want men to be more active in the kitch-en. Married women, on the contrary to the single, believe that women in the kitchen should take more roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, it was found out that single women have more innovative initiatives and experiences than married women in the kitchen. On the other hand, it was determined that women who have children have higher perceptions of role and responsibility in the kitchen and innovative initiative and originality efforts than women with-out children. Finally, it was concluded that perception of woman towards their role and re-sponsibility in the kitchen is higher than working women.


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How to Cite

DOĞAN, H., & AKTAN, V. (2023). A Research on the Woman’s Role and Innovative Approach in the Kitchen in Muğla Province. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(2), 60–73. Retrieved from https://jotags.net/index.php/jotags/article/view/384