Risk Factors and Hygiene Importance in Food Safety
Food, Food safety, Risk, Hygiene, HACCPAbstract
Parallel to the world population, food needs are also increasing. In order to meet this increasing need, the agricultural areas supported by chemical feeders are transformed into mine fields in order to maximize the unit area. The food safety concept is the foreground of food-borne illnesses, increasing consumer awareness along with increasing income levels, the preference of more natural or near-natural products, and the reflection of a number of injurious factors in the production and consumption process. Food, the basic substance of our lives, can become a dangerous hazard for our health by becoming harmful because of insufficient food safety during the steps from the farm to the fork. In this study, which emphasizes the importance of hygiene as an antiserum, what are the increasing risk factors in food security which becomes more and more important day by
day, the concepts of food safety, physiological, biological and chemical risk factors, hygiene are explained; the ways to provide food hygiene and the things to be done to the consumer as the primary producer.
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