A New Concept in Gastronomy: Cinegastronomy
Cinegastronomy, Cinema, Gastronomy, Semiotics in cinema, Food cultureAbstract
In this study, we aimed to define the theoretical and conceptual framework of cinegastronomy, a new concept we seek to introduce in the field of gastronomy. To achieve this, we conducted an electronic brainstorming session with 55 cinema professionals using the AnswerGarden® program. We analyzed the collected data using content analysis to create themes, and employed the nominal prioritization technique to prioritize these themes. As a result, we divided the concept of cinegastronomy into three main themes and twelve sub-themes: (1) gastronomic symbols, (2) the meeting of cinema and gastronomy, and (3) the reflection of humans and food in cinema. The twelve sub-themes are ranked in order of importance, with the top three being: (1) a narrative and representation tool within film; (2) innovative and engaging; and (3) the combined use of gastronomy and signs in cinema. Overall, we define cinegastronomy as the expression of gastronomic perceptions and, beyond that, realistic or metaphorical indicators through cinematographic techniques.
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