Gastronomide Safranbolu Safranı’nın Yeri ve Önemi; Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma (The Place and Importance of Safranbolu Saffron in Gastronomy; A Research in Food and Beverage Enterprises)


  • Hüseyin Fatih ZARARSIZ
  • Sibel AYYILDIZ
  • Hüseyin Avni KIRMACI



Saffron, Safranbolu, Spice, Herb, Gastronomy


Saffron, one of the spices that is used in small amounts but has a great effect on the completion of different flavours and has become the most popular part of the kitchen at every stage from production to consumption, has managed to come to the forefront in every field and has reached the present day as one of the most valuable herbs and spices. The place of this valuable plant, especially in the food and beverage sector, is increasing day by day. However, when the literature is examined, it is seen that there is insufficient abstract and concrete information about saffron products specific to the cuisine of Safranbolu region, which takes its name from saffron. Accordingly, this research aims to concretise the potential of Safranbolu saffron and its use in food and beverage establishments and to evaluate it with gastronomic approaches. As a matter of fact, it is thought that the research will complete the deficiency in the literature on saffron and gastronomy and contribute to the food industries and gastronomy tourism of Safranbolu saffron. In this context, qualitative research methods were used in the research and progress was made by adhering to the case design. As a result, the diversity of saffron products was emphasized, the purpose and differences of saffron in food and beverages were determined, the sustainability of saffron was evaluated and the effects on the food and beverage sector were emphasized. Based on all these, recommendations for saffron in terms of sustainability, economy, efficiency and development are given.


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How to Cite

ZARARSIZ, H. F., AYYILDIZ, S., & KIRMACI, H. A. (2024). Gastronomide Safranbolu Safranı’nın Yeri ve Önemi; Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma (The Place and Importance of Safranbolu Saffron in Gastronomy; A Research in Food and Beverage Enterprises). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(3), 1947–1965.