Tanınırlığı Arttırmada Yerel Mutfak Kültürü Çıktılarının Önemi; Kayseri Mutfak Kültürü Örneği (The Importance of Local Culinary Culture Outputs in Increasing Recognition; The Case of Kayseri Culinary Culture)
Local culinary culture, Kayseri culinary culture, Kayseri foodAbstract
This research was conducted to record the culinary culture outputs of Kayseri province and to examine the contribution of this culinary culture to the promotion of the region. Insufficient number of studies within the scope of Kayseri culinary culture inventory is an important motivation for planning this research. The study, which was conducted with a qualitative research design, was conducted between August 30, 2023 and March 1, 2024 in the city center of Kayseri. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 21 women aged 45 and over who were born and raised in Kayseri and lived in close contact with the culinary culture. The research was conducted using purposive sampling method. The data obtained from the interviews were interpreted in the findings section by performing descriptive analysis. In this research, bakery products, meat and meat dishes and legume dishes in the regional cuisine were inventoried. The research revealed that their culinary culture is sufficient to promote Kayseri, but despite the efforts made for geographically marked products and the efforts made for regional tourism, it is still insufficient in terms of recognition. It has been determined that the people of the region have expectations from local administrations, relevant university authorities and regional chefs to produce more entrepreneurial solutions for the promotion of culinary cultures.
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