Turizm İşletmelerinde QR Kod Kullanımı ve QR Kodun Gelecekteki Kullanımına Yönelik Beklentiler (The Application of QR Codes in the Tourism Industry and Prospects for Future QR Code Use)
Ease of transaction, Tourism businesses, QR codeAbstract
Concerning which tourism-related enterprises will implement QR codes and whether their prevalence will increase in the coming years, this study investigates the issue at hand. The study employed interview methodology, which is classified as a qualitative approach. The research employed snowball sampling and conducted interviews with twelve academics who have conducted research on the subject as well as administrators of tourism businesses located in Tekirdağ, Edirne, Kırklareli. Due to its capacity to enhance convenience, speed, hygiene, and customer satisfaction through personnel reduction, QR codes are currently favoured by the food and beverage industry, museums and historical sites, accommodation establishments, and promotion points for destinations. Furthermore, the research indicates that the application of QR codes will continue to expand in the future. As a strategy for attracting tourists to historical sites and locations, accommodation establishments, transportation providers, travel agencies, and souvenir vendors, it has been tentatively predicted that it will persist in popularity.
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The Application of QR Codes in the Tourism Industry and Prospects for Future QR Code Use
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