Yerel Yemek Tüketim Motivasyonu ve Hatırlanabilir Yemek Deneyiminin Ziyaretçilerin Öznel İyi Oluş ve Davranışsal Niyetler Üzerinde Etkisi (The Effect of Local Food Consumption Motivation and Memorable Food Experience on Visitors' Subjective Well-Being and Behavioral Intentions)
Mardin, Local food consumption motivation, Memorable food experience, Subjective well-being, Behavioral intentionAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between local food consumption motivation, memorable food experience, subjective well-being and behavioral intentions of domestic visitors. To achieve this aim, a total of 385 data were collected through convenient sampling from local visitors who visited Mardin and consumed local food. Data was gathered between July and November 2022. For the analysis of the data, first descriptive statistical information was presented, and after the reliability and validity of the measurement model were determined, the theoretical research model was tested through structural equation modeling. The hypotheses developed were all supported. According to the findings, a significant effect of local food consumption motivation was found on memorable food experience, subjective well-being and behavioral intention. In addition, it was determined that a memorable food experience have a positive and significant effect on visitors' subjective well-being and behavioral intentions. Based on the results obtained, practical implications were presented to destination stakeholders.
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