Sinop’un Yenilebilir Otları ve Baharatları (Edible Herbs and Spices of Sinop)





Gastronomy, Edible herbs, Spices, Sinop


Local flavours are among the important attractions for gastro-tourists. Sinop has a rich variety of edible herbs and spices due to its climate and geographical structure. This study aims to reveal the edible herbs and spices inventory of Sinop. The study focus to contribute to both the literature and the cultural capital of the city. In the study, 32 face-to-face interviews were conducted with residents in the central market of Sinop. As a result, 20 different herbs and spices in the Sinop market were identified. Moreover, the usage patterns and health benefits of these plants were revealed. Also, some plants are widely used in specially prepared dishes, salads and pickles. These findings provide potential for the utilisation of plants in nutrition and health. For sustainable development, local edible plants are important economic values that should be transferred to future generations.  In conclusion, these plants are important for economic and cultural sustainability and it is recommended to promote their utilisation.


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How to Cite

GARGACI KINAY , A. (2024). Sinop’un Yenilebilir Otları ve Baharatları (Edible Herbs and Spices of Sinop). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(2), 777–790.