Sivas Yerel Halkının Turizmin Gelişimine Yönelik Niyetsel ve Davranışsal Desteklerinin Belirlenmesinde Yer Aidiyetinin ve Turizm Etkilerinin Rolü
Residents, Impact of tourism, Place attachment, Support of residents, SivasAbstract
Tourism can promote socioeconomic development, but can also harm culture and natural resources of the residents. Therefore, it is important to measure impacts of tourism. Studies on community-based tourism development are generally conducted in well-developed destinations. However, this study was conducted in Sivas, a destination that is not sufficiently developed from tourism perspective, in order to fill this gap in the literature. The main purpose of this study is to determine the support of the residents in Sivas towards tourism development by using factors such as place attachment and the impacts of tourism, and to fill this gap in the literature. Within the scope of study, surveys were conducted with 450 people in Sivas and data were evaluated with confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model. According to results, while relationship was detected between place identity and intention to support, no relationship was found between place attachment and intentional support. At the end of study, limitations and recommendations are presented.
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