Otel İşletmelerinde Karanlık Kişilik Özelliklerinin Nepotizme Etkisi: Erzurum Örneği (The Effect of Dark Personality Traits on Nepotism in Hotel Businesses: Erzurum Case)
Nepotism, Dark personality traits, Narcissism, MachiavellianismAbstract
In organisations where nepotism exists, it’s seen that the principles of meritocracy and justice are ignored, resources are transferred to a limited environment and organisational efficiency decreases. Some, managers with some dark personality traits may contribute to the increase in nepotic attitudes. Therefore, this study aims to exhibit how managers' dark personality traits affect nepotism in organisations. Within the scope of the research, in order to measure the relationship between managers' dark personality traits and nepotism by using survey techniques, data were obtained from 181 employees working in star- rated hotels operating in Palandoken Ski Centre in Erzurum province. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the data and dark personality traits were sub-divided into machiavellianism and narcissism, nepotism was sub-divided into favouritism in promotion and hiring processes. It was found that machiavellianism significantly and positively influenced favoritism in both promotion and hiring processes. In addition, narcissism was also shown to significantly and positively influence favoritism in both promotion and hiring processes.
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