Ekonomik Krizler ve Pandeminin Türk Turizm Sektörüne Etkilerinin İncelenmesi (Investigation of The Effects of Economic Crises and Pandemic on Turkish Tourism Sector)
Economic crisis, Tourism, PandemicsAbstract
Also referred to as the "smokeless industry," the tourism sector is one of the critical sectors for Turkey when considering aspects such as reducing structural-chronic balance of payments deficits, earning foreign exchange income, and creating employment opportunities. This study focuses on the critical importance of the tourism sector for economic development and examines the macroeconomic effects of the economic crises experienced in the Turkish tourism sector and the 2020 pandemic. The impacts of the 1994, 2001, 2008 financial crises, and the 2020 pandemic process on the industry have been approached both conceptually and from a comparative perspective. The structures of the crises, their causes, processes, and effects on the Turkish economy, and how they caused a transformation in the tourism sector have been scrutinized. The negative effects created by the crises and pandemic on firms, employment, foreign exchange, interest rates have been addressed, and focus has been put on how these events affected the sector and how adaptation was achieved. The article contributes uniquely by examining more than a quarter-century under the influence of crises in the tourism sector. In this context, the effects of crises on Turkish tourism have been analytically evaluated, and recommendations have been presented in light of these findings.
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