Bilişsel Uyumsuzluk Kuramı Yaklaşımıyla Restoran Atmosferinin Tekrar Satın Alma Niyetine Etkisinde Algılanan Değerin Rolü
First-class restaurants, Cognitive dissonance, Dinescape, Perceived value, Repurchase intentionsAbstract
It is known that the atmosphere created consciously in restaurant businesses has an impact on many consumer behaviors, from value perceptions to repurchase intentions. Cognitive dissonance, which is a psychologically uncomfortable situation that may be experienced during and after the decision-making process, is effective on purchasing. The study aims to examine the relationships between cognitive dissonance theory, restaurant atmosphere, perceived value and repurchase intention, and to determine the role of perceived value in the effect of restaurant atmosphere on repurchase intention with the cognitive dissonance theory approach. The sample of the research consists of the customers of first-class restaurants with tourism establishment certificate in İzmir. In this context, data were collected from 425 people. The Smart PLS package program was used in the research and the data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. As a result of the analyzes, cognitive dissonance has a negative and significant effect on restaurant atmosphere, restaurant atmosphere has a positive effect on perceived value and repurchase intention, and perceived value has a positive effect on repurchase intention. Finally, it has been concluded that perceived value has a mediating effect on the effect of various atmospheric elements in restaurant businesses on the repurchase intention of restaurant customers.
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