Comparative Assessment of Companies’ Preferences in Cabin Crew Recruitment From Turkey
Civil aviation, Cabin services, Recruitment, Cabin attendantAbstract
With this study, It is aimed to determine similarities and differences in personnel preference criteria of the airlines that recruit cabin crew personnel from Turkey. It is believed that the study is important as it exhibits the approaches on the cabin crew recruitment in Turkey. Within this scope, the features and details of job advertisements were analyzed with content analysis, one of
the qualitative analysis methods, and evaluated. As a result, concepts such as demographic attributes, character, appearance, interests and working conditions were obtained. On the view of the data obtained, it is seen that the most important demographic differences in terms of
application criteria are height and weight standards, and age. Apart from the demographic attributes, it is seen that the most typical features in the job advertisements are human relations
and physical endurance. This is explained as the importance of customer relations and difficulty of working conditions. Because of the fact that the interaction with guests is more comprehensive especially in the airlines that provide full service, the concept of hospitality is used in the job advertisement criteria. It is seen that this criterion is not included in the low-cost airlines. In addition, due to the continuous decision-making and the difficult training process because of the nature of working conditions, criteria of inclination to learn and being open to improvement are
frequently seen in the job advertisements.
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