Kadın Girişimci Restoranlar ve Turist Tercihlerinin Belirlenmesi: Kapadokya Örneği (Women Entrepreneur Restaurants and Determination of Tourist Preferences: The Case of Cappadocia)


  • İbrahim Akın ÖZEN
  • Gülşen KARADENİZ
  • Ezgi ZARO




Community based tourism, Gastronomy, Text Mining, Cappadocia


In the research, it is aimed to determine the reasons for the preference of tourists in restaurants run by women entrepreneurs and serving local dishes in the Cappadocia Region. The sample of the research consists of 139 English comments of 4 restaurants operating in Cappadocia and included in the Google Map application, whose management or employees are women. The dataset was collected automatically using the web scraping technique. The obtained data set was analyzed by using topic extraction and association techniques from text mining methods. It has been determined that the titles of local food, mother's dishes, recommend, reasonable prices and delicious foods for restaurants are ranked according to their consistency values. According to the results of the association analysis, the title with the highest association with the title "recommend" was seen as " Reasonable Prices". Other associations were seen with the titles " Delicious Food ", "Mother's Meals" and "Local Food", respectively. According to the findings, it is understood that the restaurants run by women entrepreneurs in the Cappadocia region are liked and recommended by the tourists.


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How to Cite

ÖZEN, İbrahim A., KARADENİZ, G., & ZARO, E. (2023). Kadın Girişimci Restoranlar ve Turist Tercihlerinin Belirlenmesi: Kapadokya Örneği (Women Entrepreneur Restaurants and Determination of Tourist Preferences: The Case of Cappadocia). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 10(3), 2314–2326. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1093