Scopus Veritabanı Üzerinde Ekoturizmin Bibliyometrik Analizi (Bibliometric Analysis of Ecotourism on Scopus Literature)
Ecotourism, Sustainability, Bibliometrics, Nature based tourismAbstract
In recent years, ecotourism, which is accepted as one of the nature-based tourism types, has gained a dynamic momentum and is in demand in the world. In this context, potential tourism interest is directed to this area. With its increasing importance, ecotourism can be seen as an interdisciplinary intersection on which many studies have been conducted. With the intensification of research, new data about the field are being accessed day by day, and therefore the trends and potential effects within the field become important. In the literature, bibliometric studies are needed to reveal the trends and tendencies on a particular subject. Therefore, the research aims to examine the existing studies based on the concept of ecotourism in the Scopus database. R software program, which is a popular and up-to-date approach used for statistical analysis and graphical visualization in many disciplines, was used in the analysis of the data. The findings obtained as a result of the analysis are presented in a way that will benefit the literature.
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