Yerel Halkın Ekoturizme Yönelik Algısı ve Tutumları: İbradı Örneği (Local People’s Perception and Attitudes Towards Ecotourism: The Case of İbradı)


  • Özlem DAĞDELEN



Antalya, Ecology, Ecotourism, İbradı, Local People


In this study, which was carried out between 2020-2021, the ecotourism potential of İbradı Region, which has many natural, historical and cultural riches, and local people’s attitudes and perceptions towards ecotourism were analyzed. As a sample of the study, 391 people from the local population living in İbradi were determined. Data research and interview method were used to analyze the local people’s perception and attitudes towards ecotourism. 391 survey forms were analyzed with the SPSS 20.00 program. The data obtained from the study and the hypotheses formed were tested with t and ANOVA tests. Validity and reliability analyzes were made for both scales. Explanatory factor analysis and Cronbach Alpha coefficients were examined. As a result of the study, it has been revealed that if the education level of the local people increases and they benefit from ecotourism, they have a positive attitude towards the development of ecotourism and support the development of ecotourism activities in the region.


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How to Cite

DAĞDELEN, Özlem, & ÇİNBİLGEL, İlker. (2023). Yerel Halkın Ekoturizme Yönelik Algısı ve Tutumları: İbradı Örneği (Local People’s Perception and Attitudes Towards Ecotourism: The Case of İbradı). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 10(4), 3262–3286.