Eko Gastronomi ve Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi (Eco Gastronomy and Sustainable Gastronomy)
Gastronomy, Sustainability, Eco GastronomyAbstract
Food systems are identified with industrial production, but it can be said that they have become vulnerable in terms of social, ecological and economic aspects. Gastronomy, on the other hand, can be considered as a multidimensional concept that includes the production of food, the materials used in its production, the economic dimension, storage, transportation, preparation, the social aspect of food and its economic effects, culture and traditions (Santich , 2004). The properties of the final product are formed depending on the demands of this network. Eating quality, delicious and healthy products and the right to food are the most fundamental rights of everyone. Eco gastronomy can be defined as gastronomy practices where environmental concerns are at the forefront in the selection, preparation and marketing of the ingredients. Eco gastronomy includes the application of sustainable developments in the field of gastronomy. Sustainability includes not only considering economic indicators, but also environmental and social impacts. Eco-gastronomy includes issues such as supporting local producers, transferring homemade tastes to future generations, and thus increasing the local welfare level by providing added value to tourism with gastronomic activities. In this context, it is possible to consider the dimensions of gastronomy as physical processes, socio -cultural dimensions and economic dimensions within the understanding of sustainability. Within the scope of this study, the concepts of gastronomy, eco gastronomy and sustainability will be emphasized and their relations with each other will be examined.
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