Şeflerin Yerel Yiyeceğe İlişkin Davranışlarının İncelenmesi (An Analysis of Chefs' Behaviors Towards Local Food)
Local food, Chefs, Perception of local food, Purchase intentionAbstract
Local food consumption has become a global and growing trend in recent times. The inclusion of local foods in the menus of restaurants and hotels provides a distinct advantage in tourism. Despite existing research, there is limited information about chefs' perspectives on local foods. This study aims to determine chefs' perceptions of local foods, their usage in menus, and purchasing intentions. A sequential explanatory design, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods, was employed. Findings indicate that workforce significantly influences chefs' use of local foods, while popularity does not have a statistically significant impact. Moreover, the intention to purchase local foods is not statistically affected by their inclusion in the menu.
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