Kadın Dostu Kentlerde Hobi Kurslarına Yönelik Ciddi Boş Zaman Yaklaşımı: Yiyecek-İçecek Odaklı Kurslar (Hobby Courses for Women with Serious Leisure Perspective in Women-Friendly Cities)


  • Fidel TOKER
  • Esra Ebru MAVİ




Women-friendly cities, Municipality, Serious leisure time, Hobby course, Food and beverage oriented course


Central and local governments are forms of organization created to provide services to citizens. The main task of municipalities is to meet the needs and wishes of citizens. The fact that the inhabitants of the city can equally benefit from the economic, social and political opportunities offered in the city according to the needs and demands, and the understanding of the service for women, who are considered among the vulnerable/disadvantaged groups of society, has put women-friendly cities on the agenda. In the study, leisure courses organized for women in metropolitan municipalities in 12 provinces considered Women-Friendly in Turkey were examined from a serious leisure perspective. Using the secondary data collection method, only courses advertised on food and beverage-focused municipal websites were included in the study. Indeed, it is the area that receives attention and reinforces the traditional roles of women in society. These courses, focusing on food and drink, led by the Women-Friendly City municipalities, allow women to step out of the private/household space and into the public space, whether of a hobby or a serious leisure approach, become a professional profession in the future. As an extension of the Women-Friendly City Project, it is possible to work on a structure that will include women who have taken food and drink courses in the municipalities of these cities. It is recommended that a method similar to crowdfunding be used in the participation of women who have taken a hobby course in registered employment by obtaining a hobby and turning this idea into a scientific project for the professions of the food and beverages under the name “trainee to employer”



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How to Cite

TOKER, F., & MAVİ, E. E. (2023). Kadın Dostu Kentlerde Hobi Kurslarına Yönelik Ciddi Boş Zaman Yaklaşımı: Yiyecek-İçecek Odaklı Kurslar (Hobby Courses for Women with Serious Leisure Perspective in Women-Friendly Cities). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 10(1), 556–570. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1004