Hızlı Yemek Ürünlerinin Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri ve Tercih Nedenleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Research On The Effect Of Fast Food Products On Health And The Reasons For Preference)
Fast food, Nutrition, Food businessesAbstract
Today, fast food type nutrition is a nutrition practice and food form that becomes ready to be eaten quickly and easily in a short time, is produced through mass production and sold for commercial purposes, focuses on the speed of service rather than the specificity of food, and excessive consumption harms human health. Although its harms have been known in recent years, fast food-style nutrition in terms of nutrition has become quite common. It is aimed to investigate the perceptions of consumers consuming foreign-sourced fast food products in a large shopping center in Mersin, whether the products are healthy or not, and the reasons for their preference. Despite the fact that fast food products are harmful to health, the increase in consumption in recent years and the fact that there are not many studies on the health perception of consumers makes the research important. First of all, the relevant literature was reviewed, preliminary interviews were conducted on the topic, and then a question form consisting of twelve questions was created. forty–one people who benefit from only international fast food service enterprises (McDonald's, Burger Hot, etc.) located in a large shopping center in Mersin, where there are enterprises producing different food and beverage products, were interviewed on a voluntary basis, questions were asked, answers were noted and evaluated. As a result of the research, it was concluded that fast food-style foods lead to many diseases. According to the answers given to the interview questions, it was concluded that although consumers receiving services from international fast food enterprises generally prefer hamburgers and pizza, they prefer Turkish-style fast food foods (döner, etc) and do not prefer tantuni which is a kind of fast food specific to Mersin. In addition, it was concluded that the participants have the perception that fast food-style food and drinks are harmful to health, hygiene rules are not followed in these businesses, but they prefer fast food products because they think it is tasty and practical.
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