Helal Turizmin Gayrimüslim Bakış Açısı ile Değerlendirilmesi: İstanbul’u Ziyaret Eden Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma (Evaluation of Halal Tourism From a Non-Muslim Perspective: A Study on Tourists Visiting Istanbul)
Tourism, Halal Tourism, Muslim Friendly, Muslim Tourist, Non-Muslim TouristAbstract
It is seen that the phenomenon of halal tourism, which has an increasing share in international tourism movements, also has an important share in Turkey's tourism. Non-Muslims also benefit from the halal tourism movement, where goods and services are produced in line with Islamic teachings. In this direction, the aim of this study is to reveal how non-Muslim tourists view halal tourism, their thoughts and evaluations about halal tourism product. The data in the study were collected by face-to-face interview technique. Sultanahmet Square, one of the historical places of Istanbul, was chosen as the research area. Using the convenience sampling method, 25 non-Muslim tourists who agreed to be interviewed from the tourists in the streets and cafes were interviewed. In the analysis of the findings, the descriptive analysis technique, which is frequently used in qualitative research methods, and which enables the participants' thoughts to be conveyed to the reader, was used. When the results are evaluated in general, it is understood that the participants have a positive perspective towards halal tourism, but they are mostly against the practices related to gender discrimination.
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