Türk Televizyonlarında Yayınlanan Yemek Programlarında Gözlemlenen Gıda Güvenliği Davranışı (Food Safety Behavior Observed in Turkish Television Cooking Shows)


  • Rabia BÖLÜKBAŞ




Food safety, Food safety mistakes, TV cooking shows


Lack of safe food knowledge and practices can lead to foodborne illnesses caused by meals prepared at home. During meal preparation, consumers get information on this subject from many sources. Television, which is one of these sources, allows the shaping of consumption patterns and the change of existing patterns. The aim of this study is to examine the expressions and behaviors of chefs or other individuals about food safety in cooking programs broadcast on Turkish television. In this context, three food programs broadcast in Turkey between the years 2020-2021 were selected in line with the high viewing rates. The sections of the cooking programs consist of a total of 2,441 minutes. The sections of the selected programs were followed in accordance with the form prepared by the researchers, and the findings related to food safety were grouped and analyzed. According to the findings, food safety mistakes made in all three programs were determined.



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How to Cite

DURLU ÖZKAYA, F., & BÖLÜKBAŞ, R. (2023). Türk Televizyonlarında Yayınlanan Yemek Programlarında Gözlemlenen Gıda Güvenliği Davranışı (Food Safety Behavior Observed in Turkish Television Cooking Shows). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(Special Issue 5), 347–354. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2021.959