Çölyak Hastalarına Yönelik Zengileştirilmiş Glutensiz Kek Geliştirilmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma (A Study About the Development of Enriched a Gluten-Free Cake for Celiac Patients)
Food safety, Celiac disease, Enriched cake, Sensory evaluationAbstract
The aim of this study is to develop an alternative formulation with high nutritional value and relatively more economical than substitute products for celiac patients. For this purpose, 3 different cake recipes with the same formulation were prepared by using chickpea flour, almond flour and carob flour. By keeping the formulation parameter constant in prescriptions; The preparation process, cooking time and cooking degree were changed. The developed fortified cake was evaluated by trained panelists. In addition, nutritional value analysis of the developed product was made in the BeBis 8 program. As a result of the sensory evaluation, the sensory properties of all the cakes were found to be highly acceptable. However, the overall sensory quality score of the number 1 cake was higher than the other cakes. As a result of the nutritional value analysis, it has been understood that the fortified cakes have very high dietary fiber (8.3/100g), protein (11/100g), vitamin and mineral content. In addition, the glycemic index (9.5/100g) of the developed formulation is quite low.
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