Öğretmen Adaylarının Beslenme ile İlgili Bilişsel Yapılarının Kelime İlişkilendirme Testi ile Belirlenmesi(Determining The Cognitive Structure of Teacher Candidates Related to Nutrition Through The Word Association Test)
Nutrition, Science teacher candidates, Word association testAbstract
The concept of nutrition takes place in every aspect of our lives and discussions about how we should eat appear more and more every day. Considering the importance of nutrition education, secondary school science course is described as an education level where proper and regular nutrition can be taught. For this reason, it is thought that the ideas of teachers and teacher candidates in the field of science about the concept of nutrition are important. In this study, it was aimed to determine the ideas of science teacher candidates about the concept of nutrition before and after teaching by using the word association test. The study group; it consists of 18 science teacher candidates studying at the faculty of education within a state university located within the borders of the Marmara Region. The study was carried out with distance education during the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. As a data collection tool, the word association test prepared for the concept of nutrition was used before and after teaching. Teacher candidates were taught about the concept of nutrition for four weeks. In the data analysis, the answers given by the teacher candidates were collected in certain frequency ranges and concept networks were formed. In the results obtained, it was determined that concept networks were formed at higher intervals after teaching.
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