Kültürel Mirasımıza Yapılan Tahripçilik Konusunda Öğrencilerin Bilinçlendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Çalışma (A Study on Raising Students' Awareness of the Vandalism of Our Cultural Heritage)


  • Şule ALTAŞ
  • Fatma Doğanay ERGEN




Vandalism, Cultural heritage, Tourism, Antalya


In the study, it is aimed to raise awareness of students about protecting our cultural heritage and to contribute to the transfer of our values to future generations in a sustainable way. In the trip carried out with the students for this purpose, the damage to the artifacts in the city center of Antalya, which is one of the locations where vandalism is most evident, and the beauty of the protected areas in the ancient city of Side, which was taken under protection, were shown on site. At the same time, before the trip, a content consisting of visuals of vandalized cultural assets both in Turkey and in the world was watched in order for the students to have information about the subject. Interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study in order to evaluate the awareness of the students about vandalism in tourism within the scope of the content shown and the trip carried out. The study was carried out with 25 participants consisting of students from a secondary school in Sav town of Isparta province. Before the trip, it was seen that the students did not know the meaning of vandalism and after the concept was explained, they had partial knowledge about vandalism in tourism. After the trip, the students stated that they had knowledge about the subject, that they were happy to participate in the trip and that they would tell their surroundings about what they saw during the trip. It is thought that the study is important in terms of its subject and application area, since there are limited studies on vandalism in tourism and there is no study on raising students' awareness on the subject.


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How to Cite

ALTAŞ, Şule, & ERGEN, F. D. (2023). Kültürel Mirasımıza Yapılan Tahripçilik Konusunda Öğrencilerin Bilinçlendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Çalışma (A Study on Raising Students’ Awareness of the Vandalism of Our Cultural Heritage). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(4), 2913–2927. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2021.926