Ada Destinasyonların Turist Çekim Potansiyellerine İlişkin Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması: Gökçeada Örneği (A Scale Development on Tourist Attraction Potentials of Island Destinations: The Case of Gökçeada)
Tourism, Island destinations, Gökceada, Scale developmentAbstract
The travel decision process of tourists remains an interesting area of research in tourism. Research on the subject shows that the attractiveness potential of destinations is effective in destination image and travel motivation. Revealing the attractiveness of destinations is an important element in attaining competitive advantage. The main purpose of this study is to present a scale that will enable to evaluate the attractiveness potential of island destinations after the travel experience of tourists. The study was carried out with a quantitative research design. In obtaining the data, it was based on reaching the opinions of the visitors who completed their travel. The data were obtained through face-to-face questionnaires from 400 visitors who visited Gökçeada in October of 2021 and agreed to participate in the research. Within the scope of the research, the validity of the scale was verified by performing explanatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to the questionnaire scale, which was prepared as a result of the literature review. Finally, one-way ANOVA analysis was applied to the scale dimensions. The results reveal that there are significant relationship among the perceptions of tourists who are grouped according to visiting frequency, with 'destination attractiveness' and 'price’ dimensions.
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