Food & Beverage Expectations of Potential Tourists Based on Differences Between Generations
Tourism, Tourist, Generation, Food & beverage expectationsAbstract
This study aimed to understand the expectations of potential tourists, belonging to different generations, towards foods and beverages. It is important to be able to determine the points related to the food experiences and expectations of tourists to contribute to the literature. For the study, a convenience sampling method was applied, and for data collection, an online questionnaire method was used. Analyses were carried out with 341 questionnaires and CHAID (Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detector) analysis was applied. A questionnaire contained sixteen items were asked of the participants regarding their food and beverage expectations. After the analysis, it was observed that the expectations for only four of the sixteen items differed between generations. Gender and income were other demographic variables that caused differences in expectations. Baby Boomer and Generation X tourists were found to give more importance to food variety, nutrition and organicity compared to Generation Y and Z tourists. The Baby Boomer and X generations were also more eager to taste local foods than the Y and Z generations.
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