Akademisyenlerin Kongrelere Katılım Nedenleri ve Karşılaştırmalı Gözlemlerine Yönelik Değerlendirme (Reasons of Academicians Participating in Congress and Evaluation of Comparative Observations)
Congress, National tourism congress, AcademiciansAbstract
The congresses consist of the same or a different set of groups prepared nationally and internationally for individuals to exchange ideas or obtain information. In the study, the reasons of academicians' participation in national tourism congresses, problems encountered in congresses and solution suggestions were discussed. The universe of the study is 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Participants in the National Tourism Congresses (UTK) are formed. A semi-structured questionnaire was sent to 1081 people in total via electronic mail, 256 respondents returned. As a result of the research, the reasons for participation of the participants in national tourism congresses were revealed, and solutions were offered for the price, organization and other problems encountered in the congress. When the opinions of the academicians about the reasons for participating in national tourism congresses are examined; It has been observed that they mostly attend to listen to papers, make presentations, experience congresses, publish academic papers and contribute to the literature. Considering the views of the academicians participating in the research on the contributions they obtained from national tourism congresses, it was ranked in the first place as being informed about the most up-to-date and different issues, making new friendships, and improving presentation skills. When the views of the academics on the problems they face in national tourism congresses are evaluated, it is seen that the most common problems they encounter are high participation and accommodation fees, not paying travel and daily wages, low attendance to sessions, the criticism that comes after the declaration being subjective and being unscientific, and delays in the congress program. When the opinions of the academicians about the solution suggestions regarding the problems they encounter in national tourism congresses are examined; Reducing accommodation and congress fees, accepting and presenting qualified papers rather than multiple papers, and reducing the number of parallel sessions are among the top priorities.
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