Hostel Experience of Tourists Visiting Göreme (Cappadocia) Region
Experience, Hostels, Traveller, Göreme, Hostel experienceAbstract
The objective of the present research is to understand and examine hostel experiences of travellers visiting hostels operating in Göreme province of Cappadocia region. Within the context of user-generated content, data were collected between 27 February and 6 March 2019 from online reviews and comments at online platform and content analysis has been utilized to examine data. Results indicated differences as well as commonalities prior researches in terms of hostel experiences’ characteristics. The findings show that hostel experiences are multifaceted and heterogeneous based on factors of cleanliness and facilities, location, atmosphere, security, staff/owner, price/value for money, social atmosphere, food experience, authentic experience and memorable experience. The presence of food, authentic and memorable experiences have emerged as distinct factors accelerating the quality of hostel experiences that travellers gain. Further implications for hostel managers and recommendations for future researches are also presented.
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