Aşçılık Programı Öğrencilerinin Hijyen Bilgi Düzeyleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Study on Hygiene Knowledge Levels of Cooking Program Students)
Cooking program, Food hygiene, Cooking education, Personal hygieneAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to determine the hygiene knowledge levels of the students studying in the Cookery Program and to determine whether the hygiene knowledge levels of the students differ according to demographic variables. Questionnaire technique was used as data collection tool. The study was applied to 260 students studying at Milas Vocational School of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University and Faruk Saraç Vocational School of Design. When the knowledge level of the students was examined, “different chopping boards, knives, etc. according to the food groups (meat, vegetables, etc.). leri, yık I wash lots of fresh vegetables and fruits under running water ”and ler I regularly clean the tools and equipment I use in food preparation iken while their level of knowledge is high, im I will postpone washing my hand while working”, le to make sure the food is cooked ”and“ food-borne diseases are unlikely to infect ”. In general, hygiene knowledge levels of the participating students were found to be high. In addition, there were significant differences between the levels of knowledge, gender, type of school, time, high school type and sector experience. There was no significant difference between the participants' ages, the class they studied, their previous hygiene education and their hygiene knowledge levels.
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