The Effect of Trust in Managers on the Organizational Identification and Intention to Quit: A Research on Hospitality Business Employees


  • Cengiz GAZELOĞLU
  • Eren ERKILIÇ
  • Engin AYTEKİN



Trust in managers, Organizational ıdentification, Intention to quit, Hospitality businesses, Structural equation model


The aim of this study is to explore the effect of trust perceptions of hotel employees in their managers on their organizational identification behavior and intention to quit. Initially, a literature review was performed and then a questionnaire was used to gather data. To analyze the data, T-test and variance analysis were carried out and Tukey and Tamhane tests were used as well.  Lastly, structural equation modeling (SEM) was done to identify the degree and direction of the relationships. As a result of the T-test analyses, significant differences were found in 95% confidence level between the age groups and organizational identification (p=0,001) and intention to quit (p=0,000). Besides, it was identified that organizational identification behavior has an adverse effect on intention to quit (γ= -0,008).  It was concluded that the higher the perception of trust in the manager, the higher the organizational identification behavior and the lower the intention to quit.


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How to Cite

GAZELOĞLU, C., ERKILIÇ, E., & AYTEKİN, E. (2023). The Effect of Trust in Managers on the Organizational Identification and Intention to Quit: A Research on Hospitality Business Employees. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 1912–1932.