Otel İşletmelerinde Mutfak Şeflerinin Yenilikçi Davranışlarını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi: Antalya Örneği (Analysis of the Factors Affecitng Innovative Behaviors of Kitchen Chefs in Hotel Businesses: The Case of Antalya)
Kitchen, Kitchen chefs, Innovative behavior, Hotel businesses, InnovativenessAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine the factors affecting the innovative behaviors of kitchen chefs working in hotel businesses. Quantitative research method was used in the research. For the purpose of the research, the literature was searched and set of expressions was created for the measurement tool. After the expert opinion and pilot study, the survey data and the final version of the survey form were obtained in July-August 2017 by survey technique with chef chef, assistant chef and department chiefs working in the kitchen department of five-star hotel businesses in Kemer, Aksu and Serik districts of Antalya. Exploratory factor analysis was performed with data obtained from a total of 357 participants. The exploratory factor analysis revealed two factors, namely “research” and “development oluşturan, which constitute the innovative behavior variable. These factors are the factors of the innovative behavior variable which is determined as dependent variable. Six independent factors, namely ”managerial practices”, “technological tools”, “legal regulations”, “teamwork”, “customer expectations” and “competence”, which are considered to affect the innovative behavior variable, were observed. As a result of the regression analyzes performed; “managerial practices”, “technological tools” and “customer expectations” were found to have a significant effect on the innovative behavior variable.
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