İş-Aile ve Aile-İş Çatışması: Üniversite Personeli Üzerine Bir Araştırma (Work-Family and Family-Work Conflict: A Research on University Personel)
Work-family conflict, Family-work confict, Academic staff, University staffAbstract
It is observed that the work-family conflict, which has become an important research topic in recent years, has affected the whole life of individuals. Especially in the work that requires intensive work, the conflict of work-family, family-work is thought to have a negative effect on productivity in long term. The aim of this study is to determine whether there are work-family and family-work conflicts according to the demographic and categorical characteristics of administrative and academic personnel working at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. A total of 166 people were surveyed within the scope of the research. Data obtained from the study were analyzed using the SPSS package program. The results of the research show that women experience more work-family conflict than men do, families with 3 children have more work-family conflicts than those with 2 children, families with maids experience more work-family and family-work conflicts than those who do not receive for housework, and that families receiving baby-sitting .
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