Erzurum ile Özdeleşmiş Bir Lezzet: Oltu Cağ Kebabı (A Taste which is Identical with Erzurum; Cağ Kebab of Oltu)


  • Erkan DENK



Erzurum, Oltu, Cağ kebab, Local food, Gastronomy


Foods that have become a tradition in a geography, settled in culture and kept superior to other dishes by the people are called as local food. The most popular regional dish of the geography which takes the provinces of Erzurum and Artvin is Cağ Kebab. In the past twenty years, cağ kebab, which was used as a meat dish in the houses has come to the forefront in Erzurum cuisine and started to provide economic contributions to the city.  In this context, in this study it is aimed to explain the historical background, its preparation, presentation and its importance of Oltu Cag Kebab which is the most liked and geographically identifiable product identified with Erzurum identity in terms of gastronomy tourism. In order to obtain in-depth information in the research, 8 chef whom are working hotel restaurants located in Erzurum and experts in cooking Oltu cağ kebab were consulted.  With this aim a qualitative research model was used and face-to-face semi-structured interview technique was applied to the experts. As a result of the interviews, Oltu cağ kebab experts stated that Erzurum kebab was the most important traditional product of the culinary culture of Erzurum, a customary food Erzurum people, the guests were served in a feast atmosphere, it represents Erzurum, first mindcall when Erzurum is mentioned and the brand of Erzurum. At the end of the study, in line with the literature and research findings the suggestions regarding the introduction the Cağ kebab which belongs to Erzurum and to bring it into gastronomy tourism were made.


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How to Cite

POLAT ÜZÜMCÜ, T., & DENK, E. (2023). Erzurum ile Özdeleşmiş Bir Lezzet: Oltu Cağ Kebabı (A Taste which is Identical with Erzurum; Cağ Kebab of Oltu). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(1), 463–481.