Festival Çevre Atmosferi, Ziyaretçi Memnuniyeti ve Bağlılığı: Ulubey Kanyon Kültür ve Turizm Festivali Örneği (Festivalscapes, Visitors Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Example of Ulubey Canyon, Culture and Tourism Festival)
Festivalscapes, Visitors satisfaction, Visitors loyalty, Canyon festival, UlubeyAbstract
Satisfaction and loyalty of visitors to the festival is important for the continuity of the festivals. Visitors' re-visiting the festival depends on their satisfaction level. The aim of this study is to determine the level of commitment and satisfaction of festival visitors and to examine the impact of festivalscapes dimensions on satisfaction and loyalty of the festival visitors. Easy sampling method from non-random sampling method was preferred as the sampling method. Questionnaires were applied to the visitors who visited visiting 10th Ulubey Canyon Culture and Tourism Festival between 29th and 31st of May, 2015. 400 questionnaire forms were distributed to the application and 183 of the 340 questionnaires obtained were eligible for evaluation. In conclusion; moderate positive relationship between satisfaction and loyalty with the festivalscapes has been identified.
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