Evaluation of Ottoman Cuisine in Terms of Food, Price, Space and Economy: Istanbul Example


  • Ayşenur AKKAYA
  • Selman BAYRAKCI
  • Ceyhun Can ÖZCAN


Ottoman cuisine, Restaurant, Economy, İstanbul


The aim of the research is to get the opinions of customers and business owners to evaluate the Ottoman cuisine concept restaurants in terms of food, price and space, the development of food culture and contribution to Turkey's economy is to uncover. This research is important in terms of measuring the level of Ottoman cuisine in today's restaurants and evaluating Ottoman cuisine concept restaurants in terms of customers and business owners. In the research, literature search was done firstly and the concept of Ottoman cuisine was explained. Then the focus was on food, price and space in restaurants. In the method of research, semi-structured form was prepared by analyzing Ottoman cuisine concept restaurants in Istanbul and questions were asked to customers and business owners using in-depth interview techniques from qualitative research methods. According to the findings, customers going to Ottoman cuisine concept restaurants found that the meals in the menus were inadequate but adequate in terms of taste and hygiene. However, they did not find the mealprice ratio reasonable; but they found the price-space ratio to be reasonable. At the same time it has been understood that Ottoman cuisine concept restaurants, gastronomic activities, cookbooks, television, food programs and magazines contribute to the economy.


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How to Cite

AKKAYA, A., BAYRAKCI, S., & ÖZCAN, C. C. (2023). Evaluation of Ottoman Cuisine in Terms of Food, Price, Space and Economy: Istanbul Example. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(3), 60–80. Retrieved from https://jotags.net/index.php/jotags/article/view/463