A Quantitative Research on the Expectations and Responses of Restaurant Customers Regarding Food Safety
Customer, Expectation, Response, Restaurants, İzmirAbstract
This research aims to reveal the expectations and responses of domestic tourists, who prefer restaurants, and to develop a point of view on consumers, who prefer food and beverage businesses. The research is important for the development of new insights about food and beverage services for İzmir, which is an important tourism destination of Turkey. In line with these aims, face-to-face in-depth interviews was conducted on 20 domestic tourists. Analysis of data shows that the expectations of domestic tourists are shaped by physical structure, equipment and materials, ambiance, and service priority. Qualified service and cleanliness of the equipment and materials are among the main expectations of the domestic tourists. Responses of restaurant consumers are declaring their complaints to the service employees and supervisors, decision of not to visit the restaurant again, asking service employees to change their meals, decision of not to recommend the restaurant to their friends, and to complain via social media. The most frequently used responses were to ask for a change of food and to warn the service employees.
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