Halal Tourism Experience with a Netnografy View
Experimentation, Helal tourism, Crescent system, Netnography, Qualitative researchAbstract
In tourism activities, there is a growing desire to prefer facilities within halal concept where tourists can live their beliefs comfortably. In this respect studies, addressing the increasing demands and expectations of these tourists are important source of information for industry executives, marketers and policy makers for development of halal tourism concept, infrastructure and personnel. Within the scope of the study, demands and expectations of the tourists were investigated using an exploratory design and netnography method from qualitative researches. Web sites have been examined while netnography site was determined in that intensive contents created by halal tourism consumers. In the study, the opinions of consumers who have experienced halal tourism in member enterprises of Crescent system have been categorized as positive, neutral and negative references with respect to halal tourism criteria and the leading comments have been quoted with direct quotations. As a result, it has seen that tourists who experienced halal tourism in the Crescent system member hotels generally left in favorable references. On the other hand, it is seen that negative references originate from the structural problems of the enterprises, especially from the field of recreation.
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