The Role of Employees' Motivation Toward the Environment and Perceptions of the Green Organizational Climate in Their Green Behaviors


  • Gamze TEMİZEL
  • Şafak ÜNÜVAR



Environment, Sustainable environment, Employee green behaviors, Motivation toward the environment, Green organizational climate


In an effort to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing employees’ environmental behaviors at work, this study aims to explore the role of employees’ motivation toward the environment on their green behaviors and their perception of a green organizational climate. For this purpose, guided by self-determination theory, a model was developed to prove that motivation toward the environment has a significant and positive effect on employee green behavior, green organizational climate perception has a significant and positive effect on employee green behavior, and green organizational climate perception has a mediating role in the relationship between motivation toward the environment and employee green behavior. Within the scope of the research, data were collected by survey technique by reaching (n=415) people selected by purposive sampling method among hotel employees serving in Antalya and Konya, Türkiye. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that motivation toward the environment has a significant and positive effect on employee green behaviors, and motivation toward the environment has a significant and positive effect on the green organizational climate perceptions of the employees, but the green organizational climate perception does not have a significant effect on employee green behaviors. It was also determined that green organizational climate perception does not have a mediating role in the relationship between motivation toward the environment and employee green behaviors.


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How to Cite

TEMİZEL , G., & ÜNÜVAR , Şafak. (2024). The Role of Employees’ Motivation Toward the Environment and Perceptions of the Green Organizational Climate in Their Green Behaviors . Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(3), 1525–1547.